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  • Maybe I don’t Know How To Be Loved By A Man

Dear Diary,

“Maybe I don’t know how to be loved by a man.” They say a fathers love for his daughter is everything. A mother’s love for her son is everything. What if you’ve never experienced that love because you were raised by a single parent. It’s the lack of love in the household we all wonder about right? What if we did grow up in a two family home or what if we were loved correctly by both parents. It’s hard living in the Past or wondering what if!

Being a woman growing up without a father is different. Sometimes we can live with it or sometimes we can’t. Sometimes it’s a traumatic life experience or sometimes it’s just life. What some fail to realize is that sometimes missing that love or that affection from your father can either have an influence on your relationships with men or it can’t. They say you marry someone like your father. Is this true? Is this why the relationships you attract are men who disappoint you, hurt you, who doesn’t love you correctly or someone who can’t commit, communication problems and so on. Or is it why you date men because you are attracted to them being the opposite of your father.

To what effect does this have on your life? Or maybe it doesn’t have any effect. Maybe this makes you stronger, more focused and know exactly what you want. Or are you settling? Because this is all you know? The one person you were supposed to count on to show you how to be loved by a man failed you. Some can call it daddy issues while others can call it a life experience. Sometimes, the lack of a fathers love can build character or diminish it. People from different cultural backgrounds are either told to learn to live with it or it’s a normality.

Women who experience this type of loss can either seek love in the wrong places, settle, want someone to love them or just know what to hold the next man in their life to. A mother’s love is everything but what if that wasn’t enough? The question is, if you are this person, what are you doing to change the outcome of your relationships or future relationships? What are you doing to help yourself overcome this void? Or lack of love?


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